Sunday 12 June 2011

The Tania Marsden Murder

On Wednesday, September 9th, 1998, Tania Marsden went out on the town to celebrate her 18th birthday. She was with friends at the Gordon Downtowner Motor Hotel, on Kennedy Street in Winnipeg, and it was there that she was last seen alive, in the downtown area of Ellice and Portage.

On September 29th, three weeks after her disappearance, Tania was found in the Assiniboine River on the west side of Perimeter Highway, between Charleswood and St.James, weighted down with a cement block. She had been strangled by ligature around the time she had last been seen.

As Tania worked, and was last seen in the downtown area, based on the location of her body near the West Perimeter Bridge, there is a possibility that the suspect knows, works or frequents this area. As this area is not visible because of the bridge and is only accessible by a gravel road that runs parallel to and then underneath the highway, it may not be that well known to people outside the St James/Charleswood area. 

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